In early 2019 the District launched its ‘Food for the Way’ project as an outreach to people affected by mental health issues, loneliness and addiction. This took the form of a weekly lunch gathering in Lerwick (now called The Welcome Table), and other drop-in sessions, plus an informal worship gathering on a Sunday afternoon. The Project Coordinator role (a Pioneer worker), who had a history of problematic drug use prior to coming to faith sixteen years ago, has enabled us to get alongside a significant number of people affected by alcohol and drug use. Some of these people attended an Alpha Course in the autumn of 2019 and were making progress in faith prior to the pandemic.
Once lockdowns occurred the mission of Food for the Way adapted to offer food deliveries to individuals and families who were referred through social services. In September 2021we were able to relaunch the Welcome Table Café, providing a lovely home cooked 2 course lunch on Wednesdays. Again, this has proved very popular with an average attendance of 37 people who all enjoy some lovely food and great companyl.